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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most frequent questions asked by users.

Ans. Chevron Tech provides estimated information about the current equipment finance lending held by businesses within Australia.
Ans. A report provides a record of the estimated current equipment finance contracts which are held by an Australian business. Where available, the report shows the number of finance contracts in place, what assets are under finance, estimates of amounts borrowed, start date as well as estimated end date.
Ans. For an Australia company, an ACN is required, for all other business entities the ABN is required.
Ans. All information provided is an estimate only and should not be relied on for use in decision making without verification .
Ans. The information provided in the reports is sourced from Australian government data sources as well as equipment vendor.
Ans. Obtaining a report is a cheap alternative to manually collating the information and can be made cheaper by using the wallet function. All wallet purchases attract a discount.
Ans. The wallet function allows regular users to receive a discount on their purchases by preloading funds onto their account and using these funds to purchase reports when required.
Ans. You can purchase as many reports as you require and you are also free to purchase updated reports for the same business.
Ans. Every report you purchase is retained in your account so you can access it at a later time.